Like Scibd and SlideShare, PDFMeNot is an online PDF to Flash converter that will instantly convert any Adobe PDF document into a Macromedia Flash (SWF) movie while preserving the original layout, image graphics and formatting.
The PDF to SWF converter can very useful when you have to embed PDF files in web pages for inline viewing or you want to read PDF files on a computer thathas no Acrobat Reader.
Here’s how to create Flash movies from PDF documents:
1. Go to and type the URL of the PDF file. Alternatively upload a PDF from the local hard drive.
Update: The PDFMeNot service is no longer active. Please see guide on how to convert file for other options.
2. In your Firefox menu bar, click Tools -> Page Info -> Media. Select the object that has an SWF extension (e.g. and save it to your disk. That’s the SWF file created from your PDF document. For IE, here’s the trick to save Flashlocally.
While PDFMeNot is an extremely convenient option for quickly viewing PDF files in the browser without loading Adobe Reader, the downside is that the generated SWF objects contains Zoom but no Print and Search function. They are all supported in Macromedia Flash Paper format used by Scribd.