“Invitation Spam” has become a major problem for Facebook members ever since they introduced the f8 platform. And unfortunately, Facebook still offers no solution to deal with this growing menace.
For instance, there are around 400 pending messages in my Facebook account each inviting me to “some” Facebook application. To clear this queue alone, I will have to hit the Ignore button on Facebook minimum 400 times.
The worst part is that each time I approve a new friend request on Facebook, this “very long” web page (it measures 16 meters or 53 sheets of A4 paper) loads itself in the browser. So it also makes Facebook slow.
Can Facebook engineers please provide a simple “Ignore All” button that will clear the pending invites queue in one click ? And once I decide to ignore a application, Facebook should automatically block all future invites from that app.
That simple enhancement alone will make life a bit simple for Facebook fans.