Free and Unlimited File Hosting Services Compared

Review and comparison of the best file hosting services that offer unlimited space – RapidShare, MegaUpload and YouSendit.
Megaupload – No registration is required. File Size Limit: 250 MB. Your uploaded files will be deleted only after it become unused for 30 days. So, if many of your friends download it, over and over again, the files will always be there. The Megaupload site allows only one download at a time from a IP address. Fixed number of slots are provides based on your country.
Rapidshare – Rapidshare is a name synonymous with free file uploading on the internet. The site allows any user to upload files of up to 100 MB. The user is then supplied with a unique download URL which enables anyone, with whom the uploader shares it with, to download the file. If you are regular share large files on the internet, the best bet is to buy a Rapidshare Premium Account.
YouSendIt – YouSendIt lets you send files up to 1GB. YouSendIt can send files securely (https) and scans files for viruses.When you send a file via the YouSendIt Web site, an e-mail goes to your recipient with a link to your file, which is stored securely on YouSendIt’s server. The file will stay there for seven days or until it is downloaded 25 times, whichever comes first. You only have to enter a To email address; you are not required to enter a From address. You can also enter an optional message. No registration is required. Recommended large file hosting service.
