How do I contact the developer of an facebook app or game?

Apps and games are managed by developers outside of Facebook. If you need help with an app or game, contact the developer.
To contact the developer of an app or game:
  1. Go to the App Center
  2. Search for the app or game in the search box in the top right
  3. Select a result and click Report a Problem
  4. Select a reason and click Submit
You can also contact the developer while using some apps and games on Facebook:
  1. Open the app or game
  2. Click Report/Contact in the bottom-right corner of the page
  3. Select a reason and click Submit
Keep in mind you may need to give the developers your user ID to help them better address your question or concern. Learn more about finding your user ID for your apps and games.
Note: Some developers may not have set up a way for you to contact them, but will instead direct you to their own help information.

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