How to Email Web Pages to Yourself [Bookmarklet]

How do you email a web page – the entire content – to yourself?

Your options vary depending on which browser you are using. If you are on Internet Explorer, there’s a handy “Send Page by E-Mail” option that you can use to send the full web page to anyone using your default email client. Google Chrome and Firefox do not have such an option built-in but add-ons – like this one – can help.
The choices are even more limited if you are browsing the web on a mobile phone. There’s, a popular service that generates a unique bookmarklet for your email address – you click the bookmarklet and a full copy of the page lands almost immediately in your inbox, not exactly like the original but close.

Email a Web Page to Yourself

If you have been looking for a more simple way to email web pages to yourself, one that works with desktop browsers as well as mobile browsers, consider using Joliprint.
Joliprint is a free online service that lets you email web pages to yourself as PDF files using email itself – you don’t even have to launch the browser. All you need to do is send the URL of a web page (like to mypdf@joliprint.comand within a minute, you’ll get the full web page as an email attachment in a neatly formatted PDF file.
You can even include multiple URLs in your email message – try this link – and Joliprint will stitch them all in one PDF file.

Email this Page Bookmarklet

Here’s a simple bookmarklet that will make it even easier for you to use Joliprint.
Email This Page! – Drag this bookmarklet to your browser’s bookmarks toolbar
While on a web page that you want to email yourself, click the bookmarklet and it will compose a new message in your default email client with all the essential field pre-populate – just hit the send button and wait for the PDF to arrive. Simple!
Here are other useful email addresses that you may want to add to your address book.

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