Installing a Wordpress theme
Installing a Wordpress theme is fast and easy. However, it should be noted that if your blog is hosted by Wordpress, you cannot use custom downloaded themes. How can you tell? If your blog URL looks like, it's hosted by Wordpress, meaning you can't install custom themes.
However, if you have your own domain and self-hosted blog running Wordpress, here's how to change your theme:
- Connect to your server with an FTP client and navigate to your wordpress folder. You should see a bunch of files and folders, including wp-content and wp-admin.
- Now navigate to wp-content/themes/ . If you don't have any custom themes, you will see two folders there: default and classic. These are the two themes that ship with a default Wordpress installation.
- Unzip the ZIP archive you downloaded from this website. It will contain a folder with the theme name, a readme txt file, and a license txt file
- Upload the theme folder to the wp-content/themes/ folder on your web server. Make sure the upload finishes before you close your FTP client.
- Log in to the admin area of your website (by appending /wp-admin/ to the URL)
- Now navigate to Navigation > Themes.
7. The newly uploaded theme should be available under available themes. For example, if you downloaded Apple trees for Wordpress:
8. Click the theme link to use the theme.
9. Presto! Your Wordpress blog or website has officialy been pimped.