Microsoft Outlook Add-ins for Social Networking

1.Outsync (Facebook) – This utility can find matching contacts who are listed in your Outlook address book and are also connected with you on Facebook. It will then automatically update the picture of such contacts in your Outlook address book using their latest profile picture from Facebook. This is especially nice if you sync your mobile-phone with Outlook, since now you will have your contact’s picture on your screen when they call you.

2. Fblook (Facebook) – If you are a Facebook addict who also spends too much with Outlook, Fblook is for you. This handy add-on will let you update your Facebook status directly from Outlook plus you can read status updates of your other Facebook friends. The other advantage of Fblook is that you can set your Facebook status to the name of the song you’re playing in iTunes or Windows Media Player.
3. TwInbox (Twitter) – This will turn your copy of Microsoft Outlook into a powerful Twitter client and the best part is that your boss / co-workers won’t have a hint that you are tweeting. TwInbox provides all the basic Twitter features (like @replies, DM, short URLs, etc) inside Outlook plus you can also use it for posting pictures and email attachments to Twitter through services like Twitpic.
4. LinkedIn Toolbar (LinkedIn) – Using the LinkedIn Toolbar, you can easily update your Outlook contacts with their LinkedIn profile information. The add-on will also help you find people with whom you communicate frequently but aren’t connected with them on LinkedIn yet. If you get an email from a complete stranger, you don’t have to Google for that name because the LinkedIn toolbar will automatically show you a basic profile of that person right inside Outlook.
5. Xobni (Facebook, Twitter, Skype) – If you want to know more about people with whom you’re communicating inside Outlook, get Xobni (reverse for Inbox). Xobni can automatically show you the Facebook profile picture and the LinkedIn Profile of the email sender right inside Outlook. It can also determine the Skype ID of the sender based on their email address making it easier for you to call, text or IM that person over Skype.
6. Yammer (Micro-blogging) – Yammer is like a private version of Twitter designed for business users. If your organization is using Yammer, you can download their new Outlook plug-in to post messages and emails to Yammer or viewing the profile information of other Yammer members in your company.

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