The Most Useful Email Addresses That You Should Save in your Address Book

If you have a basic mobile phone that doesn’t include any apps or even a web browser, you can still upload and publish content on to your favorite websites using just the email program on your phone. You can write tweets, upload files to Dropbox, convert documents, post videos, get dictionary meanings of words, search Google and more, all with the help of a simple email message.

Here’re some useful email addresses that you should save in your phone’s address book. These will also come handy when you happen to be at a place where access to certain websites – like Twitter or Facebook – is restricted. You can get around those restrictions by pushing content through your email program.
  1. – Your blogspot blog has a secret email address and any email sent to this address will be published directly to your blog as a new post. You can post text and images upto 10 MB in size by email to your blog. You can find the email address inside the Mobile and Email settings pane of your Blogger Blog.
  2. – Your Flickr account offers a unique email address, you can email your photos and videos to this email address and they’ll show up in your Flickr account almost instantly. The address can be found in your Flickr settings page. The subject line of email becomes the photo’s title while the body of the email becomes the photo’s description. You can also specify the privacy level of your upload via email itself. For instance, will make your uploads visible to everyone while will upload the photos privately.
  3. – Like Blogger, you can also publish posts to your WordPress blogs by email. The email subject is used as your post’s title while the message body and image attachments will become the post’s content. You may also insert shortcodes in your email message to configure the tags, category, slug and other aspects of the published post. For instance, [tags a,b,c] will apply new tags, [slug your-slug] will change the default slug, [delay 2013-01-01 11:30:00 EST] will let you schedule a post and so on. Go to the My Blogs section in your dashboard to configure your secret post by email address.
  4. – You can use email to file notes into your Evernote notebooks. The title of the email subject becomes the title of the note in Evernote and you can also include hashtags in the same subject line and they are automatically assigned to your note. You can use the @ symbol to send the note to a particular notebook. For instance, an email note with the subject line “Expense Report @travel #spain” would create a note titled Expense Report in your Travel notebook, tagged with spain. Your Evernote email address is located in the Settings tab on the Evernote website.
  5. – If the YouTube app on your mobile phone doesn’t support video uploads, in the case of Windows Phone users, you can still upload mobile videos to the YouTube website via your email program. Go to your YouTube account settings and grab your secret upload-by-email address. To upload the video, email the video file to the email address and you’ll receive a confirmation SMS or email letting you know the video was successfully uploaded.
  6. – Take a screenshot on your mobile phone and send it this email address. The service will automatically detect the device, using EXIF data, on which that screenshot was captured and it will email you the image back but after adding a nice device frame around that screenshot (examples) so it looks even more awesome.
  7. – You can get the dictionary definition and synonyms of any word by sending a blank email to this email address. Make the subject line as: define myword
  8. – If Pocket is you preferred Read Later service, this is one email address that will come very handy. You can save any web link or video to your Pocket list by simply emailing the URL to The link should be included in the body of the email (not the subject) and that there can be only one URL per email.
  9. – You can connect your Twitter account with IFTTT and you’ll then be post tweets via email itself. Once the recipe is setup, just send an email message to with #twitter as the subject line and your email body will be posted as a new update in your Twitter account. You can also post pictures to Twitter via email.
  10. – You can upload files to Google Drive, SkyDrive and Dropbox accounts by email with the help of IFTTT recipes. Alternatively, you can connect your cloud storage accounts to and it will provide you a unique email address. Any files sent to that email address will land up in your cloud drive. The free version however will only upload files that are 5 MB or less.
  11. – Your Kindle Reader has a unique email address but it only accepts documents and you cannot send web links to your Kindle email address. That’s where Readability can help. If you wish to read a web article on your Kindle, just email the URL of that article to your Readability address and it will send a daily digest of your articles to Kindle that you read on the go.
  12. – Tumblr, like WordPress and Blogger, also lets you publish content by email. Click the Settings icon in your Tumblr dashboard, click the Blog name and you’ll find your private email address in the “Post by Email” section. The title of your email becomes the title of the post but if you are posting a photo, the subject become the caption of the photo on your Tumblr blog.
  13. – Go to your Facebook settings and you’ll find the Post-by-email address under the Mobile section. Email a photo or video to this address and it will be automatically posted to Facebook. The subject of the mail becomes the caption of your photo or video and if the email includes no photos or videos, the email subject will be your new Facebook status. Photos and videos uploaded by email are public by default.
  14. – Did you know that you can convert files by email? Just email the documents in any format to and it will send you a link where you can download the converted documents. The destination email address varies depending on the your file format. If you wish to convert a Word document to PDF, send the document to For converting a WAV file to MP3, send the audio file to
  15. – You can browse the web via email – just send an email to this address and put any web URL in the body of the message. The email server will retrieve the corresponding web page and sends it back to you as an email message. Such web-to-email gateways can come handy for receiving on-demand Stock quotes (for the current Google stock price, type, weather updates, currency exchange rates (for USD to INR, type and more.
  16. – Forward any email message to this address and the service will convert the message to PDF and send it back to you almost instantly. If there are any attachments in the message, you can forward them to for conversion into PDF format.
  17. – You can use the web convert service to fetch web pages via email in PDF format. Just send any hyperlink (URL) to this email address and it will return the PDF version of the page. If there are multiple links in the email message, only the first link will be converted to PDF.
  18. – Click a picture of the Whiteboard and send it to this email address. It will clean the whiteboard image making it more legible and will send it you as a PDF file.
