Send Large Attachments in Microsoft Outlook via YouSendit Plugin, Track File Delivery

You probably know that YouSendit, like Rapidshare or Megaupload, allows you totransfer large file attachments via email indirectly - upload the file to and email the link provided by YouSendIt to your friend.

Files as large as 100 MB can be shared over YouSendit for free and upto 2 GB if you are a paying customer.

YouSendIt now offers a better option for Microsoft Outlook uses - they have released a free Outlook add-on that will help you email large files from Outlook directly via YouSendit.

As you attach a file with your Microsoft Outlook email message, Outlook will automatically send that file using the YouSendIt service. The YouSendIt icon in the system try will indicate the current upload status of the file.

One big advantage here is that YouSendIt tracks file delivery and the sender will now know exactly when files have been received at the client side.

In addition to Outlook, Yousendit has similar plugins for Corel Draw X3, Adobe Photoshop and Apple Aperture.

YouSendIt Plug-ins and Applications

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